Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Best of the Fischbowl

First of all, I guess I should start by saying thank you to Dr. Strange for introducing me to this site. Fisch's blog on whether or not it is acceptable for teachers to be technologically illiterate was so enlightening. I sometimes feel that even though I'm only 23, I'm settling for knowing only the basics. I'm hesitant to learn and use the computer for anything more than I have to. However, through this class and websites such as this I'm learning that being a technologically illiterate teacher is not only putting me at a disadvantage, its robbing my students of valuable skills and information.
I find that I get frustrated when I have teachers who don't really know how to use the computer for the basic things such as checking email- so I don't know why students would feel any differently. Computers and technology in general are such a huge part of a child's life today that its our responsibility to incorporate them into education as well. Being a technologically literate teacher will make children more responsive and interested in what is going on in the classroom. I really enjoyed Ficsh's website and plan on checking it out often.

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