Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dr. Alice Christie

Dr. Alice Christie is a twenty-five year veteran teacher who has created a website that compiles useful information for teachers. Dr. Christie now teaches classes and conducts workshops both in the United States and abroad on integrating technology into the classroom. As future teachers with the ever changing world of technology that we currently live in, integrating technology into our classrooms will be vital for the success of our students. Dr. Christie's website is an easy and free resource to help teachers.

Dr. Christie's website has many links such as Educational Technology, GPS and Geocaching, Searching the Web, Web design, plus more. I checked out the Educational Technology tab and spent a little time looking around. Dr. Christie gives many helpful tips and online presentations on almost every aspect of using technology in an educational manner. These tips span from anything such as digital cameras and their use to a list of text message lingo. This website will definitely be an import resource to me as a teacher.

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